BasketZ by Design
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Leave the work to us! At Basketz By Design, we make every buying experience a great experience. It is very simple.

Our customers are only responsible for placing their order and making payment for their product. Our creation team does the rest. With Basketz By Design, you can sit at home and leave the shopping to us. Our product team gathers all the contents of your basket and delivers them to our creation team. Our Creation team creates, arranges and packages your basket and our Service Team delivers the basket. It is just that simple.

We provide both standardized and customized gift baskets. The standardized baskets are basic baskets like the "Pamper Me" Basket. The Standardized baskets have set items in them however, each client has the opportunity to change the scents or substitute certain items.

The customized baskets are created according to specific wants and desires of the client. The customized baskets are made to order.The baskets that appear in the customized section can be replicated depending upon product availability.

For more information on how you can purchase a standard or custom basket, please call 916-317-7987 or write to us at: Basketz By Design 3104 "O" St #257 Sacramento, CA 95816.  You may also visit us at