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     In my quest to raise a happy healthy family I've decided to do all I can to be there for my husband and children at all times.From this I have acquired several skills. I love seeing the smiles on faces when I give a gift made by my own hands from the bottom of my heart, & I would love to share this "Pure Joy" with the world! 

      All about Me? I guess you want to know a little about who you will be dealing with. Well I am a young wife and mother of three boys and a girl that came with the marriage deal. My eldest son has just blessed me with my first gradchild Nov. of 2008 which was thankfully a girl, now I really know what Pure Joy is.I just have my 2 little guys and 1 teenage girl. I have spent the better part of my life working with young children. 13 years, 10 of which were with Head Start. I attended my local J.C. here in southern California as a early childhood development major. I love to organize spaces, I guess you can say I like things "Just So". I am an avid reader, my favorite author is J.California Cooper. I love crafting & making new cool gifts. I am a football & basketball FAN! I love these two sports. My middle son which is 10 is a fullback & middle linebacker for our local Jr.All American Football team, where I hold a board position as league treasurer & AD for my sons divison. This season my youngest will join in and play as an 8 year old for his first year. They both hold point gaurd positions for our local YMCA basketball program.

       So that pretty much sums me up in one paragraph.A kind, loving, understanding black woman, I hope to pass some of my joy on to you soon. So please feel free to contact me anytime. I have the time, energy, & patience for every & anyone! Let's get Givin!